About us

About us

The Religion and Central Philosophy

The Society is based on the Ausarian religious system, which is the oldest known to the world (documented from 3000 BCE to 300 ACE). In the “Book of Knowing the Manifestation of Ra and the Overthrowing of Apep” (dated around 2100 BCE), we find the oldest record of “monotheism” being practiced by man. In this text, in addition to the Supreme Being referring to itself in the 1st person singular, it also says its name is “Ausares” and establishes that the foundation upon which God brought the ‘universe into being is “Law”(Maat). Since “Man was made in the likeness of God, man shares in the attributes or qualities of God. Therefore, the divine qualities of God are the same for man, and thus make up man’s self-image. This concept is rooted in the fact that one of the names of God is ‘Ausares’, and the divine self-image of God in man is called “Ausar”.


As God is beyond “sin”, so to then is man when s(he) identifies with her Divine Self Image. Unlike the Judeo/Christian and other such religions in which Man is essentially bound to the frailties of the flesh and incapable of transcending his/her human limitations, the Ausarian religion is fundamentally based on the individual’s efforts to use each and every life situation as an opportunity to experience his/her divinity. Those moments referred to as adversity, serve as a vehicle for everyone to rise above the influences which are registered through the ‘animal’ parts of the brain. Those emotional responses that are associated with a human self-image must be replaced with behavior reflective of a Divine Self Image. “Salvation” for the Ausarian cannot be based on the forgiving of sins after a life of debauchery and mistreatment of others, but on a life that is the embodiment of divine law (Maat). To this end, the members of the Ausar Auset Society are taught the Kamitan system of Cosmology (“philosophy”), meditation, rituals, oracle (the Metu Neter), qi gong, and a plant-based dietary regimen, as well as other subjects necessary for rooting the Divine Self Image as the basis of their performance in the world..

Cosmogony of the Kamitic Tradition

In the Kamitic tradition, Neter (God) in its essential state possesses the qualities of Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence. Neter, using the divine law, Maat, creates the world as a vehicle through which to experience its Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence. Even though all forms of creation provide for Divine expression, it is only Man who was made in the image of God, through which the divine can be given its full self-image. As the completion of the establishment of the Divine self-image in man may take many lifetimes, the spirit of man lives on in life beyond physical existence. The Shepsu (enlightened ancestors) serve as the metaphysical keepers of the knowledge and traditions of divine living. The Shepsu protect and guide us daily toward a lifestyle in accordance with divine law.


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