Spiritual Readings

Gain insight into your spiritual condition, relationships, finance, health, business, and career growth.

Conducted by Kamitic priests with decades of training and experience, your counseling session will give direction drawn from the ancient wisdom of the Metu Neter and the I Ching Oracles.   Receive guidance and prescriptions that enable you to actualize the prophetic messages in your life.   Prescriptions include specific application of Kamitic Meditation Scripts easily accessible through our on demand resource: MAAT , THE 11 LAWS OF HEALTH , WEALTH AND SUCCESS.  There you will find instruction, breathing techniques and mantras allowing you to implement the Oracle reading weather you are experienced or a novice at meditation.   All matters discussed are held in the strictest confidence.   Recordings and follow-up sessions are available in person or online.

Spiritual counsel will be available by appointment before and after the event.